Your 2023 Nursegrid recap
The Monday Maniac
When the world groaned at the start of the week all year, you actually conquered Monday mayhem without a sweat. You worked more Mondays than most last year--which means you probably saw a little more action. Way to turn a tough day into a triumph.
Margaret Houlihan

Let’s shine a light on your incredible journey over the past year. For the night- shift ninjas or the day- shift dynamos, Nursegrid is here to celebrate the wins, acknowledge the hustle, and help you look back with a little perspective.

Shift by shift , nurses prove that multitasking is their cardio.


Top Month
Spooky season 👻 hit hard with 24 shifts.
Every shift, every hour , and every moment you’re on the clock makes a real difference.

5 Days

Top Worksite
Good Samaritan Hospital
Plot twists, curve balls,and uncharted territory are part of the job. And this year, no doubt, you’ve navigated them all.
no doubt

Nursegrid hit 500k Nurses strong!
We did it! Thanks for making this community the biggest, best place for nurse life to live. You make Nursegrid work, and we’re so grateful you’ve helped us hit this milestone. Onward to a million! 🎉
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New Addition: Nursegrid Learn
This year you met our newest career companion: Nursegrid Learn. It’s our easy-to-love platform that helps you level up your career — from unlimited CE to Advanced Courses! 🍎
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Personalization On Point
You asked, and we listened. Our biggest update of the year included fun new colors and icons, all requested and recommended by our Nursegrid community! 💖
What Would You Like To See?
Tell us! Your feedback is how we make our platform the most user-friendly, helpful tool for nurses everywhere. Nursegrid is made for you, after all. 🫵
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Looking Forward to 2024
We have some exciting new features in the works that we are thrilled to share in the new year! Keep an eye out for updates in 2024!💫


Happy new year,
Member Since
November 3, 2022